Marlene Dietrich

Posted by: Anna of Mastin Matters
First posted:January 1, 2022
Embedded thumbnail for Marlene Dietrich
Embedded thumbnail for Marlene Dietrich
Embedded thumbnail for Marlene Dietrich
Embedded thumbnail for Marlene Dietrich

This beautiful polar bear is Marlene Dietrich.
She is approx 3-4 yrs old, rescued from a house in Spain where, along with her brother Barry White who sadly passed away due to a heart attack, was left behind after this was sold.
They were about to be taken to la perrera so we stepped in.
Marlene is now in residence in Santander, Northern Spain, with Conchi Gomez. When we first rescued them they were terrified, not because they were abused but because they had never been touched, NEVER.
She is good with other dogs and had never growled even once although being so scared.

She needs an experienced home in Spain. Somewhere quiet, a Spanish home who will just let her be.
Can you help her?

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Marlene tendrá aprox unos 3-4 años. Fue rescatada con su hermano Barry, que murió de un ataque al corazón, de una casa vendida. Los habían abandonado ahí. Cuando estaban a punto de llevárselos a la perrera, nosotros los recogimos.
Marlene está a hora en residencia en Santander con Conchi Gómez. Al principio estaba aterrorizada, no porque hubiera sufrido maltratos, sino porque nunca fueron acariciados o tocados.
Es buena con otros perros y a pesar de lo asustada que estaba desde el principio, nunca oímos ni un gruñido.

Buscamos una casa con experiencia en España, donde pueda vivir tranquila y a su aire.
Puedes ayudarla?

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